How to get involved
Fund Raising
We are still short of the funds necessary to complete this project. You can help by organising a fundraising event, or by being sponsored for a personal challenge or by making a personal donation.
Helping with lifting & shifting
Once work gets under way there will be plenty of opportunities to help with the physical work. This may be a bit dirty but will be rewarding. The existing bells and bell frame will need to be removed before the new frame and bells can be installed. This specialised work will be supervised by a professional bell-hanger. Prior to this enabling works will be necessary, such as: removal of bell wheels, clappers, pulleys and other items.
Provision of Bed & Breakfast
Overnight accommodation will be required for the bell hanger whilst on site. This will probably amount to 3 working weeks in total.
Once in a Lifetime
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be involved in an exciting venture which will be of lasting benefit to generations to come. Don't miss out!
Donate Now!
To donate now, click the link below. Donations are made to Holy Cross PCC, a registered charity, via our Give-a-Little account, and if you opt in to Gift Aid we will be able to collect an extra £2.50 for every £10.00 that you give. To donate via Give-a-Little, click here...
Donations made via Give-a-Little attract a processing charge of 1.95% which is deducted from the funds paid to our account. If you would prefer to make your donation directly to us, please email and we can send you our bank details and a gift-aid form.
Register of Donors
Let us know if you would like your name / organisation to be included in our Register of Donors. You can also include a message or dedication of your choice. The register will be displayed in the ringing chamber along with photographs and other items creating a permanent record of this historic project!